Estate planning or administration, managed with sensitivity and utmost attention to detail

Wills and estate planning can often be ‘one day’ actions. Let’s get yours sorted – today!

At Foxlaw, we truly enjoy estate planning and the sense of relief we can see our clients feel once their are wills planned out, signed, and safely stored with us. That ‘peace of mind’ is the immediate reward for the client – but the real benefits come later, for the client’s loved ones.

See us to sort out your estate planning and gain clarity on the important issues to consider. It’s really not as hard as you think – and much more pleasant than some of those other ‘one day’ jobs!

We can help with:

  • Drafting or amending a Will
  • Creating a Testamentary Trust
  • Preparing an Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Assisting with an Advance Health Directive
  • Assisting Executors with Estate Administration
  • Family Provision Applications (making or defending one)

We don’t bill time or record time or clock watch here! We use 1 of 2 methods instead…


We can quote and lock-in a fixed price for a particular legal matter at your request.
We will do this whenever there is reasonable certainty about what is going to be involved.
Our fixed prices are set out in our Price Guide.


Some matters are, by their nature, rather unpredictable. Various issues can pop up along the way which may increase (or decrease) the amount of work involved.

For these matters we will work out the amount in accordance with our Scale. However, we will still give you a range (our estimate) and will update you if it is shaping up to be more than the upper limit of the range before we do the extra work proposed.

An example of an estimated range might be: $2500 – $3500 + GST and outlays.

CALL US TODAY ON (07) 49 278 374